Our 60-day money back guarantee gives you time to make sure your purchase is perfect. If you need to return it for any reason, we will provide you with an exchange or full refund. You may return the item(s) within 60 days of receipt when in its original and unused condition. Please note the customer pays the return postage.
You can only return unused products that are complete with labels, protective film,
box, warranty card and further accessories. Unfortunately, we cannot process returns that do not comply with this.
Returning a watch to WatchXL Watches is easy. Please download this return form, fill in the form, don't forget to add product and order number and send it together with your parcel. Returns without this form can not be processed. Keep in mind we can only accept returns that are as you've received it, including all labels and unworn. Watch straps may not be shortened.
Make sure the watch is well packaged and protected so that it will not be damaged during transpor. Include all original packaging and collateral material (warranty card, booklet, manual etc.). We will not be responsible for loss or damage of return shipments.
If you have any questions about our return procedure, please contact us at info@watchxl.com, we're happy to help you.